Sekhar Baran karmakar (b. 1974), a visual artist from kolkata completed his M.F.A. 2005 from Kalabhava, Viswabarati University, Santiniketan. He has participated in numerous group shows and solo shows in India and abroad that includes Young contemporaries an exhibition curated by Shri Jogen Chowdhury in 2007, Aakriti, Kolkata, Voices of freedom 2010, La mere, Kolkata curated by eminent Art critic Nanak Ganguly, “Through the looking glass”,Cymroza, Mumbai. 2008, “Seamless Encounters” ,Emami Chisel art, kolkata 2013, curated by Art historian Dr Sanjoy Mallik with Lalitkala Delhi, Cairo,2008, Dynamic Stillness curated by Mrinal Ghosh, kolkata 2007, Annual show of Birla Academy, Kolkata, 2006, 2013, Academy of Fine arts 2003, Information Centre, Kolkata, 2004, 2014, Emami chisel art , 2016, Framed space boundless limit 2, Gandhara Art Gallery, 2006, His solo show” Metireal/Material” catalogue note by Sanchayan Ghosh, 2008, ” Mirror image”,2009, “Re exploring the explored” 2010, Mon art ” Shades on surface” art and soul, Mumbai 2007, Gallery Kolkata “small format”,2007, Group show 2008, Studio 21 “Tarang ” new wave from Shantiniketan 2010, IMA foundation ,London 2010, Narrative movements, Kolkata, Chenni, Budapest and 2shows in Pondicherry 2009, 4shows in Dellhi ,with Artspeak “Heard-unheard”,2010, Art&soul summer show 2008, Kolkata artist circle “Measured cadence ” 2008, United art fair (1) 2012, participated in 3 group shows in 2022 in March, Gandhara art gallery, in April 3 men show at FRAME Gallery, in August, Jogen Chowdhury art Centre. He has participated in workshops that includes Lalitkala Kolkata at Aizol ,2010, Ministry of Youth Affairs, at Kargil, 2000, Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre on Orissi pattachitra, 2005, SWAD Santiniketan 2006, Nupur Academi , kolkata paper making and paper sculpture, 2019 .
Sekhar Baran karmakar lives and works in Kolkata, enjoys writing in Bengali, has a keen interest in research on the root of Bengali culture. In his paintings Sekhar explores history and mythology to convey his thoughts on political power and suffering.
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